Styled photography
Styled photography sessions
We are proud to announce that Brittany Chappell Photography now offers Styled photography sessions.
What are styled photography sessions? A styled photography session is exactly what it sounds like.
With a styled session we spend a little more time planning the session. We plan a theme, outfits, props, and perfect location.
The options are endless with a styled sessions. You can decide on a simple theme of a walk in the woods to Hollywood glam.
We offer hair and makeup. You will also have full use of our model closet.
Styled sessions are so much fun. You get more involved and way more excited. You get to see your ideas and creativity come to life in the planning, the session, and the final results.
Why would you choose to do a styled session and not just a "normal" session. Well maybe you want to do something outside of your comfort zone. Maybe you are a little edgier then most. Whatever the reason here at Brittany Chappell Photography we will be here to give your styled session the best experience.